Full records of the project were expunged, this was Vengeance. Team was forced to initiate Secondary Protocol Echo Two. Team experienced contained direct action with local combine 54 Immortals - Delta-Romeo-Alpha-Gold-Oscar-Victor-India-Charlie-Hotel- Kilo-Romeo-Alpha-Victor-Charlie-Hotel-Echo-November-Kilo-Oscar- Sierra-Tango-Echo-India-November-Echo-Romeo-Tango-Hotel-Echo-Sierra-Echo-Mike-Echo-November-Mike-Uniform-Sierra-Tango-Delta-India-Echo. I need a medic over here! Stop! What are you doing? We'd heard the rumors. $gffgm nkoyo slx.vpoy#%pfl Zurich fdfd$Īctive Mission - Day Unknown Pre-Mission Scrolling Texts Scrolling Textħ-15-1.