
Black ops half life
Black ops half life

black ops half life black ops half life

Full records of the project were expunged, this was Vengeance. Team was forced to initiate Secondary Protocol Echo Two. Team experienced contained direct action with local combine 54 Immortals - Delta-Romeo-Alpha-Gold-Oscar-Victor-India-Charlie-Hotel- Kilo-Romeo-Alpha-Victor-Charlie-Hotel-Echo-November-Kilo-Oscar- Sierra-Tango-Echo-India-November-Echo-Romeo-Tango-Hotel-Echo-Sierra-Echo-Mike-Echo-November-Mike-Uniform-Sierra-Tango-Delta-India-Echo. I need a medic over here! Stop! What are you doing? We'd heard the rumors. $gffgm nkoyo slx.vpoy#%pfl Zurich &#fdfd$Īctive Mission - Day Unknown Pre-Mission Scrolling Texts Scrolling Textħ-15-1.

  • Viktor Reznov (Easter egg only, K.I.A.
  • Friedrich Steiner (Easter egg only, K.I.A.
  • Nikita Dragovich (Easter egg only, K.I.A.
  • Lev Kravchenko (Easter egg only, K.I.A.
  • Yousef Salim (heard and mentioned only, K.I.A.

  • Black ops half life