With Story Mode chosen, an expansive and detailed playthrough is what you will get.As the game is very fun, the story is also just as fun.Newcomers who want story might avoid the game since the gruesome battles can sometimes prevent the storyline.You are given infinite Resurrection Scrolls and will be able to flee battles a lot easier.This mode was made specifically for players who want to experience a story-driven playthrough.This mode has little to no challenges which allow you to experience the fantasy and fun of the game instead of a rigorous challenge. It basically contains the story and only the story. Story Mode is available in the Definitive Edition of Divinity and is one of the easiest modes you can play when it comes to the game. Hopefully, you will have chosen the best difficulty mode for crazy boss battles! Here, I will be explaining all of the difficulty modes so you can make the best choice for yourself when embarking on this journey! Some players might want to play for the story, some might want harsh battles and some want a little bit of both or more of one then the other. It is very important to understand which mode you are going to spend hours on before you start the game. Debates over difficulty modes for Divinity Original Sin II have been around since the game was released.